Classes – Yes I teach them!

I offer the following classes regularly (as well as other classes as the mood strikes me, or as requested):

*Shamanic Journeywork for adults and/or adolescents (see description below)

*Second Level Journeywork – Clearing Spaces (adults ONLY)


Classes on Shamanic Journeywork – 

Introduction to Shamanic Journeywork

The shamanic journey is an active and interactive form of meditation, which brings us into the liminal state of consciousness from which all creative inspiration springs. It is one of the oldest technologies for understanding the world of spirit and energy. It has been used by shamans, mystics, prophets and spiritual leaders for thousands of years as a vehicle for accessing inner guidance.

This method of accessing inner wisdom is very much available to us today.  The introductory class will help you develop a journey practice that will support and sustain all areas of your spiritual inquiry, and will show you how to use the vehicle of the journey to help you step into a more informed and dynamic approach to problem solving, into relating to yourself, and into relating to those around you.

Second Level Journeywork – Clearing Spaces

This course takes the tool of the shamanic journey and begins to use it as more than a source of personal guidance.  In this course we will enter into (limited) work in the Middle World and working with spirits to clear spaces/land/structures, etc.  This is a gentle and compassionate service-based art, not an ordering of spirits.  It is healing work, really.  Adults only.


No classes are officially scheduled at present, but I do schedule them as interest dictates.  If there is a class you are interested in, please let me know and I will schedule accordingly.


Jaeden Roberts


2017 W. 4th Ave.

Spokane, WA 99201

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